Applicable Laws, Policy and Standards
The University's Statement on Accessibility
The University of Virginia values disability within the spectrum of human diversity and is committed to a living, learning, and work environment where individuals with disabilities can be their full selves and thrive. The University recognizes that ensuring equal access to educational, employment, and all other opportunities is a shared responsibility that demands our continuous identification and removal of physical, technological, and attitudinal barriers.
The University is committed to ensuring equal access to educational and employment opportunities for qualified individuals with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, the Code of Virginia: Information Technology Access Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as well as other applicable state and local laws and University policy.
Qualified individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination, including harassment, and are entitled to reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and auxiliary aids and services to ensure their participation in and enjoyment of all University programs, services, and activities including those in the digital environment.
To achieve this equal access, we follow established law, policy and standards which provide guidance towards the development, creation, and acquisition of digital assets.
New Rule Added to ADA: Digital Accessibility Focus
In April 2024, a new rule was added to the ADA for Title II institutions which has three main components. This new rule does apply to UVA:
- Provides minimum standards for web and mobile applications (WCAG 2.1 AA)
- Provides a deadline for conformance to this minimum standard of April 24, 2026 and ongoing thereafter
- Provides criteria for exceptions to this rule
Although effective communication and protection from discrimination have always been part of the ADA and Section 504, this new rule provides additional standing for individuals to file a complaint regarding inaccessible digital tools.
More information: Fact Sheet: New Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps Provided by State and Local Governments
UVA's current standard for conformance is WCAG 2.2 AA. For a limited time, ACRs for Section 508 (with 255 as appropriate), or WCAG 2.1 can be accepted. The key is that the ACR be for the current version of the product under consideration.
We also follow resolution/settlement agreements, consent decrees, and lawsuits involving our peer institutions. These proceedings determine expectations and best practices in the academic environment.
Recent Resolution/Settlement Agreements, Consent Decrees of Note:
- Univ of California Berkeley (2022)
- 3Play Media: Overview of NAD v. Harvard and NAD v. MIT Lawsuits (2020)
- Harvard University: Settlement Caption Requirements (2020)
- Miami University: Consent Decree (2016)
- Departments of Justice and Education Joint “Dear Colleague” Letter (2010)
- Univ of Washington: Laws, Policies, & Standards
- Univ of MN - Duluth: Higher Ed Accessibility Lawsuits, Complaints, and Settlements
Additional Information:
- University of Virginia Statement on Accessibility
- University of Virginia Policy: IRM-008: University Information Technology Accessibility
- Code of Virginia: Information Technology Access Act
- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (508/255 Refresh Jan 18, 2017): Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Final Standards and Guidelines
- W3C - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines: WCAG 2 Overview
- Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards